Recycling Commercial and Household Electrical Waste

Recycling the past for our future in Liverpool, Merseyside

Bemrose WEEEcycle

Bemrose Commercial and Domestic Waste Management.(affiliated to WEEECycle UK Ltd,) key aim is to reuse / recycle waste commercial and domestic/ household electrical items.......... Click Here To Read More

Electrical Waste is officially classified by The Environmental Agency as WEEE
(Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment)
All electrical waste is controlled by the WEEE Regulations, for more information please click Read More below...........

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Domestic electrical waste is split into two main groups:
SDAs = Small Domestic Appliances which include both Desktop and Laptop computers Printers, Irons ,etc
LDAs =Larger Domestic Appliances which include- Ovens, Stoves, Hobs Tumble Dryers,etc
for more information please click Read More below......................

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Most electrical items can be recycled/reused:
We recycle most items that take batteries
We recycle items has a plug (except Fridges and Freezers)
You are welcome to email or call us if you are unsure what if you have WEEE and can be recycled

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